Yes! to Adventure Summer Camps

Registration for 2025 Summer Camps and Aftercare opens at Noon today!



Getting outdoors, staying active, connecting with friends, and sharing adventures in nature is just what kids are craving. The 2025 Mountain Roots Summer Camps are a collection of outdoor, trip-based adventure camps that explore rivers, forests, mountains, meadows, animal habitats, farms and other outstanding natural places around the Gunnison Valley. Small groups, enthusiastic outdoor educators, and fantastic destinations – right in our own backyard - make our summer camps a favorite of locals and visitors alike.

This summer, Mountain Roots will continue our adventure camp 2 days a week in Crested Butte and Gunnison. We are also offering a new garden-based camp in Gunnison 2 additional days a week, along with aftercare in Gunnison 4 days a week. All camps start the week of June 9th.

2025 Adventure Camp Themes Are Here!

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Week 1: Geology (Crested Butte: June 9 & 11, Gunnison: June 10 & 12)

Week 2: Wildlife (Crested Butte: June 16 & 18, Gunnison: June 17 & 19)

Week 3: Lakes (Crested Butte: June 23 & 25, Gunnison: June 24 & 26)

Week 4: Forests (Crested Butte: June 30 & July 2, Gunnison: July 1 & 3)

Week 5: Bugzzz (Crested Butte: July 7 & 9, Gunnison: July 8 & 10)

Week 6: Rivers (Crested Butte: July 14 & 16, Gunnison: July 15 & 17)

Week 7: Wildflowers (Crested Butte: July 21 & 23, Gunnison: July 22 & 24)

Week 8: Ranches (Crested Butte: July 28 & 30, Gunnison: July 29 & 31)

Week 9: Farms (Crested Butte: August 4 & 6, Gunnison: August 5 & 7)

 Week 10: Farm to Table Harvest Festival! (Crested Butte: August 11 & 13, Gunnison: August 12 & 14)


Crested Butte | Big, Wide world adventure camp

Mondays & Wednesdays, June 9th - August 13th

Seedlings (K-2nd)

Half Days: 9am - 1pm


Big Buds (3rd-5th)

Full Days: 9am - 4pm


(registration opens March 10th at Noon)

Gunnison | big, wide world adventure camp

Tuesdays & Thursdays, June 10th - August 14th

Seedlings (K-2nd)

Half Days: 9am - 1pm


Big Buds (3rd-5th)

Full Days: 9am - 4pm



Gunnison | Dig, Plant, Grow Garden Camp

Mondays & Wednesdays, June 9th - August 13th


Half Days: 9am - 1pm



Gunnison | aftercare

Mondays - Thursday, June 9th - August 14th


Half Days: 1pm - 4pm


(registration opens March 10th at noon)

My first-grade son loved the mountain roots session.  He learned about gardening and plants seeds, and he even brought some sunflower seeds home.  Thank you for a fun and educational experience!”

My daughter Finley loved this experience. She mentioned all the things she tried (snap peas, mushrooms, chives…not sure what else). She often doesn’t love to try these things at home, but the garden experience helped her be a little more willing to do so. She also loved getting to take a plant home what she can care for and watch grow. Thanks for doing this!

We believe all kids should have access to the outdoors.

Scholarships are available.

Questions about summer camp? Please contact

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